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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Swell Style: Knit Wedding Dresses

In just a few weeks, I'll be shooting a wedding  for my photography company, Chase Your Bliss Photography. I'm very excited, as this will be a first for me. Up until now I've focused on individual and family portraits. I'm very excited about the whole project and to get ready, I've been looking at lots of wedding photos. I've noticed that even though most brides pick a white or ivory dress, they each like to put as much of their own personality and personal style into that dress.

Today, I found an email from Makepiece in my mail box. Makepiece crafts beautiful knit clothing. The company's aim is to be as carbon neutral as possible, which means the wool they use was obtained through sustainable farming practices.

If traditional wedding attire is not your thing, then take a look at Makepiece's collection Here's an example of a Makepiece wedding dress called Truffle.

You can see their entire collection here.

Image credit: Makepiece


  1. Thanks for following my blog - I'm following yours now too! :)
    Love that unconventional wedding gown - would be beautiful on the right body!

  2. Thanks for following me back. :) I think that gown would be great for cooler weather. I bet it's more comfortable than a conventional gown, too.
