Swell Hair, Swell Makeup, Swell Skin, Swell Style, Swell Smells, Swell Fitness, and Swell Guys.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Swell and Not So Swell

Making the transition from ChicoMichelle to MontagueMichelle has been interesting, but not very post-worthy when it comes to matters of beauty or style. I spend much of my days wearing a uniform in the market where I'm working - black pants, black shine-able shoes, and a polyester shirt  in maroon and off-white. It's not cute, but on the plus side, I work my butt off in that outfit and in the time that I've worked at the market (2 months), I've lost 30 lbs.

Losing weight is not easy when you are in your 40s. It requires a bit more effort, a tweaking of your work out schedule, etc. Unless, like me, you are in a business that requires constant motion. Want to lose weight?  I suggest getting a job as a bagger. (Unless you find it necessary to pay bills - in that case, you are pretty much screwed.).

I highlighted my hair a little yesterday. I feel the need to do that as soon as the weather starts warming up. Sun equals highlights in my brain, apparently. I also have some fun new products to review for you - Nexxus's new Pro-Mend anti-split-end line and Lily B's botanical skin care. Watch for those reviews later in the week.

For now, here's a photo of my cute puppy, Katmandu. I think he's swell....


  1. Wow, 30 lbs in 2 months! I just hit the 20 lb mark over the holidays, but that was like in 8 months. You go girl, losing weight in your 40's is tough.
    Love the pic of Katmandu

  2. Wow! Congrats on losing 30 lbs that's great. Can't wait to see your new reviews. ;)
