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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Swell Skin: Fight That Cellulite

Cellulite sucks. Those cottage-cheese looking dimples can show up on your thighs or your butt - yuck. I was lucky, I didn't get cellulite until my late 30s, but it can appear on any woman, of any age, be she thick or thin. One of those equal opportunity downers, like the Bad Hair Day or a huge zit. Bleech.

It's believed to be caused by a a breakdown in the elasticity of the skin. The fat bulges around the fiber compartments in the skin, which shows up in the form of bumpy, dimply, uneven skin. Factors that effect skin elasticity include the female hormone estrogen, bad diet, smoking, some medications, crash diets, lack of exercise, not enough fluid (water) intake, and aging.

How do we prevent it? Well, one article I read that other day mentioned drinking large amounts of green tea. Will that work? I don't know, but I do enjoy tea, so I'm going to give it a try.

St. Ives sent me their new 2-part Cellulite smoothing system. The system consists of St. Ives®Cellulite Shield Gel Crème and Advanced Body Moisturizer. The products are made with green tea, caffeine, citrus extracts, menthol, and shea butter. They are clinically proven to show a reduction in the appearance of cellulite in 2 weeks.

Two Step Program:

*Step one: Increase circulation with the Cellulite Shield Gel.

*Step two: Smooth and tone with the Advanced Body Moisturizer.

I'm currently on Day 3 of the 2 weeks and so far I can say that the products are easy to use and my skin feels soft and moisturized. I will give you a full report when the 2 weeks are up - hopefully the results will be good, because cellulite smooth products can be pricey and this system is not - each product retails for only $6.99.

Image credit: Michelle Hamor Smith

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